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Employment at the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence (OAESV)

We ARE hiring! We’re so excited to share that we’re expanding our organization to include this NEW position:

Please click the title to read the full description. Position open until filled. Submit your resumé and cover letter to

Requests for Proposals

Occasionally, we release Requests for Proposals (RFP) regarding various projects and consultant partnerships. Stay tuned!

Employment at Rape Crisis Centers and Allied Organizations in Ohio

  • Journey Center for Safety and Healing is hiring multiple positions, including a Supportive Services Manager, a Trauma Therapist, a Housing Navigator, and a Community Advocate

Employment at State and National Sexual Violence Coalitions and Allied Organizations

Would you like to have your open position(s) posted on this page? Please Email Resource & Communications Coordinator, Laurie Hamame,, with a link or PDF to the application and a submission deadline.

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