Trainings & Events Calendar
OAESV’s 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Spring): How to Talk About Trauma Within Supervisory Relationships
OAESV's 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Spring): How to Talk About Trauma Within Supervisory Relationships The final part of this series is designed to help leaders gain skills in trauma informed supervision. During this session, participants will learn about trauma-informed care and how it relates to the supervisory relationship, understand what secondary trauma is and how…
Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention
Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention Ready Set Go! will introduce new prevention professionals to violence prevention foundations, including anti-oppression, public health, and best practices. While focused on introductory information, this training is beneficial for all anti-sexual violence professionals to build skills and refresh knowledge about primary prevention and its integral role in ending sexual…
Rural Resiliency
Join Tri-County Help Center and OAESV as we discuss how advocacy and resources differ in rural areas compared to robust cities!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW
Seasonal Training Series (Summer): K-12 Education and Support
3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Summer): K-12 Education and Support While school is out for summer, let's take some time to reflect how we can best show up for young people in our anti-violence movement. Part 1, July 24: From Policy to Practice: Erin's Law Implementation This webinar will cover Erin’s Law implementation in Ohio, including…
Excellence in Legal Advocacy: Working with Pro Se Survivors
Excellence in Legal Advocacy: Working with Pro Se Survivors Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence (OAESV) and Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) collaborative session on working with survivors representing themselves in the legal system (otherwise known as pro se). While there are some resources across the state, it is still an unfortunate reality in Ohio…
Seasonal Training Series (Fall): Story Stewardship
With leaves turning golden, nightfall arriving sooner, and fires being lit, autumn is the perfect time to settle down in a comfy chair with trusted company and tell stories. Storytelling can be a creative outlet for folks to find connection with one another or can help repair the disruption that can be caused by trauma.…
Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention
This interactive training will introduce new prevention professionals to violence prevention foundations such as anti-oppression, public health, and a review of best practices. The day will include time to network and practice skill-building.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER BY OCT 25
Collective Calls
Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…
Collective Calls
Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…
Collective Calls
Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…
Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention
Ready Set Go! will introduce new prevention professionals to violence prevention foundations, including anti-oppression, public health, and best practices. While focused on introductory information, this training is beneficial for all anti-sexual violence professionals to build skills and refresh knowledge about primary prevention and its integral role in ending sexual violence. The day will include time to network and…
Collective Calls
Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…
Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.