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Trainings & Events Calendar

Empowering Empathic and Engaged Youth Leaders

MEMBERS ONLY Support Leadership in Youth Do you work with youth and interested in building skills to support their leadership growth? Join Chyrel Oates, local community and leadership advocate, for this three-hour session that will guide participants through interactive activities to deepen understandings of youth development, leadership, and the value of social and emotional skills.…

PhotoVoice in Ohio: Looking Back to Move Forward in Community Mobilization

MEMBERS ONLY See PhotoVoice Projects & Begin Your Own Toolkit The new year comes with new opportunities to engage our communities in ending sexual violence. This free virtual peer-to-peer prevention event will highlight prevention programs throughout Ohio that engaged in PhotoVoice projects this past year, using ethical photography as a tool for social change. This…


Ohio Survivor Legal Assistance Clinic Virtual Office Hours

Phone , United States

Survivors & Advocates - Connect with an attorney The Ohio Survivor Legal Assistance Clinic will resume virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney.  Virtual office hours will allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.  2nd Thursday…

How to Apply for OAESV Legal Services: The Online Application

Learn About Our New Application Join OAESV to learn about our new online application process: the new online form, processing, and applying online. Zoom AI live transcription will be provided. Registration Days December 08, 2021 - January 18, 2022 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW

Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention

MEMBERS ONLY Great Training for New Preventionists This full-day training will introduce new prevention professionals to violence prevention foundations, such as anti-oppression, public health, and best practices. The day will include time to network and practice skill building. The last day to register is January 10, 2022. Accommodations, such as ASL interpreters, available upon request. Subtitles…


Ohio Survivor Legal Assistance Clinic Virtual Office Hours

Survivors & Advocates - Connect with an attorney The Ohio Survivor Legal Assistance Clinic will resume virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney.  Virtual office hours will allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.  2nd Thursday…

Men of Color Healing Space: How Do You Stay Sustained in the Movement?


Join us to discuss wellness, self-care, emotional health and ways to stay sustained in your work. This is a virtual event for men of color who are advocates, prevention educators, activists and men who work toward ending domestic and sexual violence. This space is inclusive of all male identified people who identify as Black, Indigenous…


Quarterly Prevention Pop-In


Quarterly Prevention Pop-In This is an opportunity for preventionists throughout Ohio to build community and collective strength, discussing the unique perspectives of the sexual violence prevention field. It is a space for preventionists shaped by preventionists. Come as you are when you can! Second Tuesday of noted months, 2-3 pm on Zoom: Feb 8 May…


Thirsty Thursday: Space for Sexual Assault Response Team Chairs & Co-Chairs

Zoom & Blog

Ohio SART coordinators and co-chairs: Please join us the third Thursday of each month as we explore challenges unique to SART Coordinators and raise our glasses to team successes across our state. Each month will feature a new call or blog!  Call Dates (10-11 am): February 17, 2022 March 17, 2022 April 21, 2022 To…

Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call


OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call Join us on the first Friday in March to discuss state and federal legislative updates impacting Ohio rape crisis centers, communities, and survivors. The event is March 4 from 1-2pm.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW

Co-Conspirators Open House Event


Co-Conspirators Open House Event Please join the Ohio Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) for our 2022 Open House Event. This Virtual Event is for anyone interested in learning more about CIEO, building community and practice around anti-racism work and working towards being a co-conspirator to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Communities (BIPOC). You do…

Men of Color Healing Space: Healing and Networking in Community

Men of Color Healing Space: Healing and Networking in Community Join us to discuss wellness, self-care, emotional health, and ways to stay sustained in your work. This is a virtual space for men of color who are advocates, prevention educators, activists, and men who work toward ending domestic and sexual violence.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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