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Trainings & Events Calendar

Excellence in Legal Advocacy


Excellence in Legal Advocacy Two advocacy topics on one day: strangulation and CPOs. Total of 6 hours are pending approval for CEUS, 3 hours on each topic. "It's not choking: Strangulation & SV" will focus on safety planning, health, and warning signs, what every advocate should know about strangulation and the connection to sexual violence.…

Trauma-Informed Interviewing & Reporting on Sexual Violence: A Training for Journalists

Columbus Main Library 96 S. Grant Ave, Columbus, OH 43215 96 S. Grant Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

Trauma-Informed Interviewing & Reporting on Sexual Violence: A Training for Journalists Many news stories covering sexual violence can be re-traumatizing for those interviewed, covered in the stories, or reading the stories. In order to write and publishing stories that are more informative and less traumatizing for the public, as well as distributed more widely, journalists…

OAESV’s Media Engagement Training: An Opportunity for Rape Crisis Centers

OAESV's Media Engagement Training: An Opportunity for Rape Crisis Centers Spokesperson and media training democratizes how we make meaning of the world we live in by changing the story and the storyteller. This training positions social change leaders to shift public narratives by giving them the tools to identify, craft, and share their stories, perspectives,…

Ohio Survivor Legal Assistance Clinic Training Day at Wittenberg University

Wittenberg University, Shouvlin 201 & 203

Ohio Survivor Legal Assistance Clinic Training Day at Wittenberg University Come as you are! No registration required. Join our Legal Assistance Clinic at this free, 1-hour training on Oct. 26 from 9:30-4:30 at Wittenberg University. Three topics will be discussed: civil protection orders; Title IX and campus sexual violence; and trauma-informed legal services for sexual…

Is This Even Working?! A Social Media Analysis Primer


MEMBERS ONLY Is This Even Working?! A Social Media Analysis Primer In this engaging virtual training, participants will learn the how and why of social media analysis. Participants will leave with an increased understanding of the importance of social media analysis, how to interpret the data, and how to build out an analysis plan. Registration…

Laugh, Dance, Rest: A Collective Healing Experience

Mohican Lodge , United States

MEMBERS ONLY Laugh, Dance, Rest: A Collective Healing Experience This day-long retreat is about learning the impact of secondary traumatic stress and exploring different types of self and collective care practices. People working in the anti-violence field in particular are at higher risk for the effects of secondary traumatic stress such as fatigue, illness, reduced…

OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: November 2022 First Friday Call

OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: November 2022 First Friday Call Join us on the first Friday in November to discuss state and federal legislative updates impacting Ohio rape crisis centers, communities, and survivors. Register now.

CIEO November Meeting

The Ohio Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) is a subcommittee of the Statewide Anti-Oppression Committee, comprised of individuals working in various survivor/victim services capacities in Ohio’s five regions. As beneficiaries of white privilege, members strive to honor our responsibility to dismantle racism and intersecting forms of oppression. It is on us, not Black, Indigenous, People…

Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention

Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention This full-day training will introduce new prevention professionals to violence prevention foundations, such as anti-oppression, public health, and best practices. The day will include time to network and practice skill building. The last day to register is Nov. 7, 2022.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW


Coordinated Community Response Team Training Institute


Coordinated Community Response Team Training Institute Please join us for a two day virtual training event. The Coordinated Community Response Team training institute welcomes leaders, members, and prospective leaders and members of Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) and Coordinated Community Response Teams (CCRTs), teams of individuals and organizations from varied disciplines and backgrounds who serve…

OAESV’s 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Winter): The Intersection of Sexual Violence & Disability

OAESV's 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Winter) : The Intersection of Sexual Violence & Disability Part 1 of this series will provide a foundation regarding the epidemic of sexual violence against persons with disabilities. In this session, our presenter will ask participants to challenge and address their own personal biases, dissect the root causes of sexual…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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