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Trainings & Events Calendar

Quarterly RPE Grantee Workgroup

A quarterly meeting for programs receiving Rape Prevention Education (RPE) grant funds to navigate grant objectives and deliverables, troubleshoot potential challenges, and build community. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW


OAESV Legal Clinic Virtual Office Hours

Survivors & Advocates - Connect with an attorney The OAESV Legal Clinic hosts virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney. They also allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.  2nd Thursday of the month from 12pm…


OAESV Legal Clinic Virtual Office Hours

Survivors & Advocates - Connect with an attorney The OAESV Legal Clinic hosts virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney. They also allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.  2nd Thursday of the month from 12pm…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…

Seasonal Training Series (Spring): Working With Survivors Who Use Alcohol and/or Drugs

MEMBERS ONLY In order to serve survivors more holistically, it's important to understand why survivors may use drugs and/or alcohol to cope with trauma and learn Harm Reduction Principles so they can provide more survivor-centered services.   Part 1: Foundations of Harm Reduction - March 25 • 10 am to 12 pm We'll start by…


OAESV Legal Clinic Virtual Office Hours

Survivors & Advocates - Connect with an attorney The OAESV Legal Clinic hosts virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney. They also allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.  2nd Thursday of the month from 12pm…


OAESV Legal Clinic Virtual Office Hours

Survivors & Advocates - Connect with an attorney The OAESV Legal Clinic hosts virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney. They also allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.  2nd Thursday of the month from 12pm…

Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists

The Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists (OCCAP) is a community of practice for advocates and preventionists working on college and university campuses across the state. This is a space for direct service staff such as college/university-employed staff, nonprofit-employed staff, and volunteers who work directly with survivors and/or violence prevention programming on college/university campuses.…

Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists

The Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists (OCCAP) is a community of practice for advocates and preventionists working on college and university campuses across the state. This is a space for direct service staff such as college/university-employed staff, nonprofit-employed staff, and volunteers who work directly with survivors and/or violence prevention programming on college/university campuses.…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


OAESV Legal Clinic Virtual Office Hours

Survivors & Advocates - Connect with an attorney The OAESV Legal Clinic hosts virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney. They also allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.  2nd Thursday of the month from 12pm…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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