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Trainings & Events Calendar

Quarterly Prevention Pop-in


Quarterly Prevention Pop-in: February The Quarterly Prevention Pop-in is an opportunity for preventionists throughout Ohio to build community and collective strength, discussing the unique perspectives of the sexual violence prevention field. It is a space for preventionists shaped by preventionists. Come as you are when you can! Register for the February session by January 30, 2023. Additional accommodations…


Quarterly RPE Grantee Workgroup


Quarterly RPE Grantee Workgroup A quarterly meeting for programs receiving Rape Prevention Education (RPE) grant funds to navigate grant objectives and deliverables, troubleshoot potential challenges, and exchange strategies for meeting grant requirements. Open to OAESV members only. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW February 13: registration closes February 3 May 1: registration closes April 21 September 11:…

February Advocate Roundtable

Advocate Roundtable Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for direct service advocates to pull their seat up to the table and discuss and be in community with direct service advocates all over the state. Having a safe space to come and take a break from their work and relight that advocacy fire. This is only for…

A Path to Photovoice: An Ohio-Specific Toolkit Introduction

A Path to Photovoice: An Ohio-Specific Toolkit Introduction Join Photovoice Worldwide representatives for an introduction to the peer-developed Photovoice toolkit for Ohio sexual violence preventionists. In this webinar, participants will learn about the toolkit development, preventionists' role in the process, and recommendations for utilizing this tool. Open to OAESV members only. Register by February 10, 2023. CLICK…

Ohio Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) February Working Meeting


The Ohio Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) is a subcommittee of the Statewide Anti-Oppression Committee, comprised of individuals working in various survivor/victim services capacities in Ohio’s five regions. As beneficiaries of white privilege, members strive to honor our responsibility to dismantle racism and intersecting forms of oppression. It is on us, not Black, Indigenous, People…

OAESV’s 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Winter): The Importance of Organizational Accessibility

OAESV's 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Winter):The Importance of Organizational Accessibility Part 3 of this series, our presenter will take everything we've learned and discuss internal accessibility. Participants will learn how to conduct an accessibility evaluation of your organization, how to develop an inclusivity plan, internal policies and procedures to consider when implementing your inclusivity plan,…

OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: March First Friday Call

OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: March First Friday Call Join us for the March First Friday Call to discuss Erin’s Law implementation for local rape crisis programs, OAESV’s Advocacy Day in April, and other timely legislative updates. Register now.

March Advocate Roundtable

Advocate Roundtable Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for direct service advocates to pull their seat up to the table and discuss and be in community with direct service advocates all over the state. Having a safe space to come and take a break from their work and relight that advocacy fire. This is only for…

New Membership Orientation: Who is OAESV?


New Membership Orientation: Who is OAESV? We would like to welcome all of our new individual and member organizations by hosting a 1-hour meet-and-greet! Come learn about what benefits come from OAESV membership, watch a live tutorial on how to use Coalition Manager, and meet our individual teams and learn more about ways you can…

Advocacy Day Prep Webinar

Advocacy Day Prep Webinar Join OAESV for our Annual Advocacy Day Prep Webinar. We recommend everyone who has signed up or is interested in signing up for OAESV Advocacy Day Legislative Meetings attend or view this webinar. Learn about policy advocacy, learn how to work with your meeting group, and prepare for your upcoming legislative…

Q&A with Jay!


Q&A with Jay! Our Manager of Engaging Men Initiatives, Jayvon Howard will be going live on Instagram to answer all of your questions about building and developing new programming for male survivors. He will be joined by Emiliano Diaz de Leon, Men’s Engagement Specialist, Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA). Each month, Jayvon will go…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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