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Trainings & Events Calendar

OAESV Spring 2023 40-Hour Training Institute for Sexual Violence Advocates


MEMBERS ONLY OAESV Spring 2023 40-Hour Training Institute for Sexual Violence Advocates Registration Days March 31 - April 30, 2023 OAESV has created this training opportunity to fulfill the Core Standards’ requirement of 40 hours of introductory training for new advocates. Attendees will receive fundamental information necessary for providing effective services to sexual violence survivors…

May Advocate Roundtable

Advocate Roundtable Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for direct service advocates to pull their seat up to the table and discuss and be in community with direct service advocates all over the state. Having a safe space to come and take a break from their work and relight that advocacy fire. This is only for…


Thirsty Thursday’s SART/CCRT Call

Thirsty Thursday's SART/CCRT Call SART chairs and co-chairs, join us for a monthly space to be in community with other leaders and to raise our glasses to team successes across our state! To join, please email Nicole Kass Colvin, Director of Coordinated Community Responses, at and request to be added to the SART Coordinators…

OAESV’s 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Spring): How to Talk About Trauma Within Supervisory Relationships

OAESV's 3-Part Seasonal Training Series (Spring): How to Talk About Trauma Within Supervisory Relationships The final part of this series is designed to help leaders gain skills in trauma informed supervision. During this session, participants will learn about trauma-informed care and how it relates to the supervisory relationship, understand what secondary trauma is and how…


State Prevention Plan Town Halls

State Library of Ohio, 274 E. First Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 274 E. First Avenue, Columbus, OH, United States

May 25, 2023 Two session options: Morning session: 10-1 pm Afternoon session: 2-5 pm OAESV is excited to invite your feedback on the State Prevention Plan recommendations for action and future convening in one of two town hall settings. The State Prevention Plan is a set of strategies, goals, and communities designed to align sexual…

Q&A with Jay!


Q&A with Jay! Our Manager of Engaging Men Initiatives, Jayvon Howard, will go live on Instagram to answer common technical assistance questions on engaging men in violence prevention or working with male survivors. You can view the live broadcast by tapping on our profile picture at 12pm. The live will be shared on our Instagram…

Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention

Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention Ready Set Go! will introduce new prevention professionals to violence prevention foundations, including anti-oppression, public health, and best practices. While focused on introductory information, this training is beneficial for all anti-sexual violence professionals to build skills and refresh knowledge about primary prevention and its integral role in ending sexual…


Putting Conversations into Action

Webinar series centering on anti-racism education, practice, and action within the anti-violence fields in Ohio. Hosted by the statewide working group, Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO). Visit to learn more. Announcement: March 1st Event - Postponed, will be rescheduled for a future date to be determined   REGISTER


2023 Annual Conference: Forging New Pathways

2023 Annual Conference: Forging New Pathways This year, we've seen an increase in services for survivors and shifts in what survivors need. We've seen the continued need for prevention in our communities as violence against our loved ones has persisted. This increased awareness of our work, intersecting with an increased knowledge of public health, has…

Rural Resiliency

Join Tri-County Help Center and OAESV as we discuss how advocacy and resources differ in rural areas compared to robust cities!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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