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Trainings & Events Calendar

Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call

Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call Join us on the first Friday in August to discuss state and federal legislative updates impacting Ohio rape crisis centers, communities, and survivors.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW

North East Regional Meeting

LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland, 6705 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102 6705 Detroit Ave, Cleveland

MEMBERS ONLY North East Regional Meeting Join us for an in-person event to connect with others in your region! The day will be filled with opportunities to grow skills, network, and talk with others in the field about topics relevant to your region. Special guests from OVWA will lead a morning learning session on Growing…

North West Regional Meeting

Lima Library, 650 West Market Street Lima, Ohio 45801 650 West Market Street, Lima, Ohio, United States

MEMBERS ONLY North West Regional Meeting Join us for an in-person event to connect with others in your region! The day will be filled with opportunities to grow skills, network, and talk with others in the field about topics relevant to your region. Special guests from OVWA will lead a morning learning session on Growing Together:…

Presenting Data Effectively


Presenting Data Effectively In this virtual 2-day session from 10:30am - 2:30pm, you’ll learn the undeniable science behind why we need to be presenting data effectively. We'll walk through Dr. Evergreen’s Four Step Visualization Process – a surefire sequence of steps that leads to high-impact graphs. Along the way we’ll consider how audiences engage with…

South East Regional Meeting

Nelsonville Public Library, 95 W Washington St, Nelsonville, OH 45764 95 W Washington St, Nelsonville, OH, United States

MEMBERS ONLY South East Regional Meeting Join us for an in-person event to connect with others in your region! The day will be filled with opportunities to grow skills, network, and talk with others in the field about topics relevant to your region. Special guests from OVWA will lead a morning learning session on Growing…

Central Regional Meeting


MEMBERS ONLY Central Regional Meeting Join us for an in-person event to connect with others in your region! The day will be filled with opportunities to grow skills, network, and talk with others in the field about topics relevant to your region. Special guests from OVWA will lead a morning learning session on Growing Together:…

OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: September 2022 First Friday Call

OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: September 2022 First Friday Call Join us on the first Friday in September to discuss state and federal legislative updates impacting Ohio rape crisis centers, communities, and survivors.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW

Northwest Ohio Coordinated Community Response Team Summit

Toledo Hospital ProMedica, 1 ProMedica Parkway Toledo, Ohio, Room F , United States

Northwest Ohio Coordinated Community Response Team Summit The Northwest Ohio Coordinated Community Response Team Summit is a networking and training event for Sexual Assault Response Team/Coordinated Community Response Team members and prospective response team members in the northwest region of the state. With a mix of presentations and small group discussions participants will gain information…

Thirsty Thursday’s SART/CCRT Call

Thirsty Thursday's SART/CCRT Call SART chairs and co-chairs, save the date for Thirsty Thursday! Join us in a discussion-based virtual call to explore challenges unique to SART coordinators and to raise our glasses to team successes across our state. To join, please email Nicole Kass Colvin, Coordinator of Community Responses, at and request to…

Supporting Sex Workers: Best Practices for Outreach and Advocacy


Supporting Sex Workers: Best Practices for Outreach and Advocacy Sex workers, who are especially vulnerable to sexual violence, have been left out of the #MeToo Movement for far too long. This training will discuss ways in which we can best support sex workers, and challenge traditional norms to better amplify their voices and lived experiences.CLICK…

CIEO September Meeting

Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) September Meeting Topics: Sharing Anti-Racism Accountability Practices Drafting Group Accountability Guidelines Planning Upcoming Events Not a CIEO Member yet? Click here to learn more and sign up. The Ohio Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) is a subcommittee of the Statewide Anti-Oppression Committee, comprised of individuals working in various survivor/victim services…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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