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Trainings & Events Calendar


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence. With a rotating focus each month, Collective Calls will feature in-service trainings, program spotlights, and spaces to connect with those who do similar work across…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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