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Core Standards for Qualified Victim Service Programs Providing Rape Crisis Advocacy in Ohio

The Core Standards were developed by the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence in partnership with a committee of experienced professionals working directly with survivors of sexual violence and providing administration of rape crisis services in Ohio. This document defines and outlines the service standards for Ohio’s community-based rape crisis programs that are considered Qualified Victim Services Program. The Core Standards serve as the authoritative document on the delivery of rape crisis program services in Ohio.

Building upon the original Core Standards published in 2013, and on the Revised Standards published in 2016, the 2022 updates incorporate updated language, more clearly defined terms, streamlined Standards, and improvements in the document’s ease of use.

Download the Ohio Core Rape Crisis Standards (full document).

Individual Sections

For ease of use, we’ve linked each section individually so that, if needed, you can print them separately instead of the entire standards document. We’ve also added checkboxes in these versions so that you can mark on them once printed off, and save your spiral-bound version for long-term use.

Service Administration Standards

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