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This April, we’ll ask you to Embrace Your Voice! We’ll ask you to dig even deeper than you already do, to think about the many ways that survivors speak out (or don’t), and how we can continue working to be supportive of these different journeys and approaches to healing and justice.

We hope you’ll join us our efforts during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) — a time dedicated to raising public awareness about sexual harassment, assault, and abuse and the ways to prevent these forms of violence. Watch our social media pages and our blog as we share SAAM information all month long! Check out our curated list of SAAM events taking place in Ohio–events put on by various rape crisis programs, community organizations, and more.

And if you’re an OAESV member, make sure you log into the member portal to download your SAAM content packet! This packet is meant to help you engage your community in discussions about sexual violence awareness and prevention (a copy was mailed to you too!).

If you’re not an OAESV member, you can always join here! There are many benefits including year-round trainings, webinars, and access to resources. You can also access free information and graphics from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, including free graphics from NSVRC that you can use in your campaign. They’re focusing on the theme “I Ask!” this year, reminding us that asking for consent is a healthy, normal, and necessary part of everyday interactions.

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