Ohio Core Rape Crisis Standards
The Core Standards serve as the authoritative document on the delivery of rape crisis program services in Ohio.
Emerging resources for providers working with sexual violence survivors in Ohio.
As an advocate for survivors of sexual violence, your role is unique and critically important. Unlike other professionals involved in responding to the crime of sexual violence, advocates approach all survivors by believing them, by advocating for their rights and needs, and by working to empower them in their efforts toward recovery and healing.
OAESV is committed to working with attorneys to improve the experiences of survivors in the criminal justice and civil legal systems, and to holding offenders accountable.
Many organizations need support with communications work. Many templates and other resources can be found here.
Law Enforcement
OAESV works with law enforcement officials in communities across Ohio to improve the response to sexual assault, help protect communities, and help to hold offenders accountable.
Healthcare professionals, including Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) or Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFEs), are critically important to the response to sexual assault and to the recovery needs of survivors. OAESV is pleased to offer training and technical assistance for forensic nurses as well as Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs).