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Intentional Agenda Planning

Shandra Witherspoon

OAESV, Vice President of Operations

1. Thirsty Thursday Blog – Let’s Talk Evaluation
2. Intentional Agenda Planning
3. Networking in a Virtual World
4. Making the Pitch
5. Sustaining the Team Through Turnover
6. Beyond Case Review: Taking Your Team from Passive to Active
7. What’s in a Name? CCRTs & SARTs

Let’s face it, SART/CCRT Coordinators do a good amount of work behind the scenes, that isn’t always recognized or appreciated by the entire team. One of those tasks includes preparing the agenda. Before each meeting, it is important for the coordinator to hone in on both the short and long-term goals and vision of the team. This includes paying attention to timelines the team has set, as well as tracking the work the team is doing. Couple that with emerging issues that are happening in the community, one of the most important steps a coordinator can do ahead of a meeting is planning the agenda and ensuring it aligns with the overall goals of the team. The agenda needs to be intentional and strategic. It can include any of the following, though this list is not exhaustive:

  • The mission and/or vision of the team
  • A short recap of what was accomplished and discussed at the last meeting
  • A report out from all subcommittees, which includes any ongoing work
  • Space to share data, discuss any upticks or trends in the community or emerging issues
  • Action steps for meeting team goals

Although we may not think of it in this way, an intentional, well thought out agenda is crucial in ensuring all team members have access to the same information, keeping meetings focused and forward-moving, and acts as a historical record for the team. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to have co-coordinators for your team, from two different agencies or organizations. This can increase team buy-in, ensure there is a team member with historical knowledge as team turnover (especially with coordinators) is always prevalent, and spread out responsibilities. And make no mistake about it, creating the agenda should not solely fall on the coordinator or co-coordinators. It should be developed with input from the entire team, ideally. However, it is the coordinator’s responsibility to ensure it is intentional and distributed to the team ahead of time so everyone can come to the meeting more prepared. The work of a coordinator is never done 😉.

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