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Advocates Sue DeVos Over Title IX Changes

On January 25th, three civil rights organizations filed a lawsuit against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Arguing that Devos' Title IX guidance policy holds discriminatory stereotypes about women and creates unsafe environments that are not conducive to learning, The Victim Rights…

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Advocate Privilege: A Survivor’s Perspective

Sophia Fifner, M.S

OAESV Partner

I was raped. It was a cold night in November; I was a high school senior and only 17 years old. I was at a small party, in an obscure home and had consumed one too many drinks. After an…

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Advocate Privilege in Ohio: It’s Time

When you visit your doctor because something's wrong, it can feel embarrassing and scary – especially if it's a very personal problem that you don't want anyone to know about. But you take comfort in the fact that your doctor…

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Supporting Survivors: “Me Too”… or not

Dr. Tyffani Dent

licensed psychologist

In the last couple of days, there has been a "Me, too" campaign in response to the allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault leveled against Harvey Weinstein. Mr. Weinstein is known as a powerhouse movie producer and many women…

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The Voices of Ohio

Becky Perkins

Communications Coordinator

There are voices that can easily be found. In offices, locker rooms, family rooms, and lunchrooms, they resonate: the voices of ordinary people discussing news of the latest public figure to be accused of sexual assault. In blogs, chat rooms,…

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When Justice Meets Healing

Becky Perkins

Communications Coordinator

Prior to coming to OAESV, I worked for several years for a local rape crisis program. Over and over again, I witnessed first-hand the trauma that victims of sexual violence suffer and the difficulty many endure while participating in the…

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Taking a Stand for Survivors in Ohio

Becky Perkins

Communications Coordinator

In a dark bedroom in a small town, a woman is unable to sleep. She knows that when she closes her eyes, the terror and humiliation will play out in the camera of her mind, tormenting her once again. She…

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