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OAESV is Ohio’s statewide sexual assault coalition, the mission of which is to advocate for comprehensive responses and rape crisis services for survivors, and to empower communities to prevent sexual violence. OAESV is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization incorporated in 2010. Through statewide and community partnerships, OAESV provides public policy advocacy, training, and technical assistance to rape crisis centers and allied organizations, and resources and information available to professionals, survivors, and the general public. OAESV is based in Cleveland, Ohio, with a satellite office in Columbus, Ohio.

Topics OAESV Can Address With The Media

OAESV is happy to speak with national or local media partners regarding sexual violence as it affects the state of Ohio. Please note that while OAESV can provide commentary regarding the dynamics and impact of sexual violence generally, we are unable to comment on the details of any specific crime. If you are seeking comment regarding a case or issue impacting a specific community in Ohio, we ask that you first contact the local rape crisis center in that community. For media inquiries to OAESV, please contact us via email at or by calling OAESV’s office at 216-658-1381.

Resources for the Media

Press Kits, Press Releases, & Statements

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