About the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
We Are Ohio's Rape Crisis and Prevention Coalition
The Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence serves as Ohio’s rape crisis coalition. State sexual assault coalitions serve as the main training and technical assistance provider for rape crisis centers on best practices in programming and administration, and they advocate on behalf of rape crisis centers and the survivors they serve in public policy advocacy efforts at the state and federal levels.
State coalitions also lead statewide public awareness efforts and support local rape crisis centers in engaging with diverse communities, survivors, and service providers in their service areas. At OAESV we provide many services, including training for advocates and preventionists, technical assistance for local programs, systems advocacy, public policy work and much more.
Services and Resources for Sexual Violence Survivors, Advocates, Care Providers, and Preventionists
Please help us help survivors and end sexual violence.
Trainings & Events Calendar
Virtual Office Hours
Monthly: 4th Tuesday (4-6 pm) and 2nd Thursday (12-2 pm)
The Ohio Survivor Legal Assistance Clinic holds virtual office hours to provide a safe space for Ohio survivors and their advocates to connect with an attorney. Virtual office hours will allow survivors to discuss legal options, connect with resources, and/or have a brief consultation.
Thirsty Thursdays
Monthly: 3rd Thursday (10-11 am)
Join us each month as we explore challenges unique to SART Coordinators and raise our glasses to team successes across Ohio.
Prevention Pop-Ins
An opportunity for preventionists throughout Ohio to build community and collective strength, discuss challenges, and share the unique perspectives of the sexual violence prevention field.
2024 Annual Conference
June 25 - June 27th
2024 marked our 12th year hosting this annual conference, inviting partners from all over the state to convene, network, and share ideas and best practices.
From the Blog
Planning and Preparing for OAESV’s 2024 Conference!
It’s hard to believe it’s already June, which means it’s our conference month! Our staff has been working hard to plan our 2024 conference since July of last year, right after our last conference! This blog will give you a…
Ethical Storytelling for Education, Awareness, & Outreach
THE POWER OF STORYTELLING Storytelling is a powerful communication tool in the sexual violence advocacy field. From support groups, to statehouse Advocacy Days, to #EmbraceYourVoice campaigns for SAAM, to fundraising efforts, storytelling practices are central to the work of supporting…
What’s in a Name? CCRTs & SARTs
If you’ve ever shared space with me, you’ve probably noticed I use SARTs (Sexual Assault Response Teams) and CCRTs (Coordinated Community Response Teams) interchangeably. So what is each kind of team, how are they similar and different, and at what…
U.S National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence: What This Means for Ohio
In late May, the White House published the first-ever National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, a comprehensive resource for federal approaches to violence prevention and response. This federal plan follows decades of national plans developed in other countries and is…
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