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Trainings & Events Calendar

Core Standards Webinar


Core Standards Webinar Ohio Rape Crisis Center Core Standards are the standards of services created by OAESV for Qualified Rape Crisis Centers in Ohio. Are you a volunteer, staff member…

FORUM CPO: Assisting Survivors in CPO Processes


Forum CPO: Assisting Survivors in CPO Processes Come join us for a free virtual training on assisting survivors with the process of obtaining a civil protection order and how to…

Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call


OAESV Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call Join us on the first Friday in June to discuss state and federal legislative updates impacting Ohio rape crisis centers, communities, and survivors.…

South West Regional Meeting

Deer Park Branch Library, 3970 E Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45236 95 W Washington St, Nelsonville, OH, United States

MEMBERS ONLY South East Regional Meeting Join us for an in-person event to connect with others in your region! The day will be filled with opportunities to grow skills, network,…

Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call

Monthly Legislative Update: First Friday Call Join us on the first Friday in August to discuss state and federal legislative updates impacting Ohio rape crisis centers, communities, and survivors.CLICK HERE…

Northwest Ohio Coordinated Community Response Team Summit

Toledo Hospital ProMedica, 1 ProMedica Parkway Toledo, Ohio, Room F , United States

Northwest Ohio Coordinated Community Response Team Summit The Northwest Ohio Coordinated Community Response Team Summit is a networking and training event for Sexual Assault Response Team/Coordinated Community Response Team members…

Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists

Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists : Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists The Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists (OCCAP) is a community of practice for…

Excellence in Legal Advocacy


Excellence in Legal Advocacy Two advocacy topics on one day: strangulation and CPOs. Total of 6 hours are pending approval for CEUS, 3 hours on each topic. "It's not choking:…

Is This Even Working?! A Social Media Analysis Primer


MEMBERS ONLY Is This Even Working?! A Social Media Analysis Primer In this engaging virtual training, participants will learn the how and why of social media analysis. Participants will leave…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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