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Trainings & Events Calendar

2023 Central Regional Meeting

2023 Central Regional Meeting Join us for Regional meetings, a series of in-person events to connect with folks within your respective region! The day will be filled with opportunities to…

2023 Northeast Regional Meeting

Cuyahoga Falls Library 2015 3rd St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

2023 Northeast Regional Meeting Join us for Regional meetings, a series of in-person events to connect with folks within your respective region! The day will be filled with opportunities to grow…

2023 Coordinated Community Response Team Training Institute

The Coordinated Community Response Team Training Institute is a 2-day training to increase sustainable, Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) and Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) trauma-informed practices. We will have…

Putting Conversations into Action

Webinar series centering on anti-racism education, practice, and action within the anti-violence fields in Ohio. Hosted by the statewide working group, Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO). Visit to learn more. Announcement:…

Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence.…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence.…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence.…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence.…


Collective Calls

Collective Calls There is power and strength in a collective! These monthly meetings are opportunities for members to build community and strength as we work together to end sexual violence.…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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