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Trainings & Events Calendar

Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists

Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists : Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists The Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists (OCCAP) is a community of practice for…

Excellence in Legal Advocacy


Excellence in Legal Advocacy Two advocacy topics on one day: strangulation and CPOs. Total of 6 hours are pending approval for CEUS, 3 hours on each topic. "It's not choking:…

Is This Even Working?! A Social Media Analysis Primer


MEMBERS ONLY Is This Even Working?! A Social Media Analysis Primer In this engaging virtual training, participants will learn the how and why of social media analysis. Participants will leave…

Laugh, Dance, Rest: A Collective Healing Experience

Mohican Lodge , United States

MEMBERS ONLY Laugh, Dance, Rest: A Collective Healing Experience This day-long retreat is about learning the impact of secondary traumatic stress and exploring different types of self and collective care…

CIEO November Meeting

The Ohio Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) is a subcommittee of the Statewide Anti-Oppression Committee, comprised of individuals working in various survivor/victim services capacities in Ohio’s five regions. As beneficiaries…

Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention

Ready Set Go! Foundations for Prevention This full-day training will introduce new prevention professionals to violence prevention foundations, such as anti-oppression, public health, and best practices. The day will include…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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            [id] => 10992
            [type] => tribe_events
            [title] => OAESV Legal Clinic Office Hours
            [slug] => oaesv-legal-clinic-office-hours-2025-09-25
            [date] => 2024-12-05 12:08:21
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