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Trainings & Events Calendar

Quarterly Prevention Pop-in


Quarterly Prevention Pop-in: February The Quarterly Prevention Pop-in is an opportunity for preventionists throughout Ohio to build community and collective strength, discussing the unique perspectives of the sexual violence prevention field. It…


Quarterly RPE Grantee Workgroup


Quarterly RPE Grantee Workgroup A quarterly meeting for programs receiving Rape Prevention Education (RPE) grant funds to navigate grant objectives and deliverables, troubleshoot potential challenges, and exchange strategies for meeting…

February Advocate Roundtable

Advocate Roundtable Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for direct service advocates to pull their seat up to the table and discuss and be in community with direct service advocates all…

A Path to Photovoice: An Ohio-Specific Toolkit Introduction

A Path to Photovoice: An Ohio-Specific Toolkit Introduction Join Photovoice Worldwide representatives for an introduction to the peer-developed Photovoice toolkit for Ohio sexual violence preventionists. In this webinar, participants will…

March Advocate Roundtable

Advocate Roundtable Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for direct service advocates to pull their seat up to the table and discuss and be in community with direct service advocates all…

New Membership Orientation: Who is OAESV?


New Membership Orientation: Who is OAESV? We would like to welcome all of our new individual and member organizations by hosting a 1-hour meet-and-greet! Come learn about what benefits come…

Advocacy Day Prep Webinar

Advocacy Day Prep Webinar Join OAESV for our Annual Advocacy Day Prep Webinar. We recommend everyone who has signed up or is interested in signing up for OAESV Advocacy Day…

Q&A with Jay!


Q&A with Jay! Our Manager of Engaging Men Initiatives, Jayvon Howard will be going live on Instagram to answer all of your questions about building and developing new programming for…

Interested in trainings and events hosted by other coalitions and organizations in Ohio? Click here and here.

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            [title] => Fall 2024 40-Hour Training Institute for Sexual Violence Advocates
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            [date] => 2024-09-09 15:24:00
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