June 20-22 | OCLC Conference Center
Did you miss our 11th Annual Conference? We’ve got you covered. For just $75, you can snag
access to almost all of the conference’s sessions and get a certificate for continuing education!
About Our Conference
Forging New Pathways
This year, we’ve seen an increase in services for survivors and shifts in what survivors need. We’ve seen the continued need for prevention in our communities as violence against our loved ones has persisted. This increased awareness of our work, intersecting with an increased knowledge of public health, has fostered exciting innovation, but has also exposed new barriers. It feels like we’re at a crossroads – can we overcome the barriers and find a new path? Join OAESV as we explore these new pathways and how to make them possible.
After hosting virtual conferences for a few years, are so excited to offer OAESV’s 2023 conference as an in-person event in Dublin, Ohio! We invite partners from all over the state to convene, network, and share ideas and best practices! It will be held June 20-22, welcoming 2 keynote speakers, 15 workshops, identity-based affinity groups, a panel, and more.
Anyone who works with survivors of sexual and domestic violence or in the prevention field is encouraged to attend. This includes victim advocates, prevention educators, outreach staff, mental health professionals, campus professionals, medical providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, military command and advocacy, offender treatment professionals, school counselors, and other related roles.
Conference Highlights
Our self-care committee will be offering self-care activities throughout the conference, including a separate self-care room, to ground you.
hotel block
Multiple hotels with blocks reserved for conference participants.
Up to 9.5 CEUs will be available; CLEs will also be available.
15 workshops offered covering prevention, advocacy, anti-oppression, and more!
"The best part about conference was the diversity of sessions. The amount of BIPOC and queer and disabled voices that were able to be heard and allowed to have space was beautiful."
– 2022 Conference Attendee
A Huge Thank You to Our 2023 Conference Sponsers!

This conference is supported by Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Rape Prevention Education, by Grant No. ODH Project Number: 01860214VW1022 awarded to the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence by the Department of Health. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ohio Department of Health