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The Meaningful Access Housing Program provides temporary housing to SA survivors through a hotel stay. Survivors can access the program by working alongside an advocate at a local RCC/Advocate at one of our member programs to submit the application and forms on the survivor’s behalf.

From October 2023 to September 2024, we provided 4,042 nights of shelter to 106 survivors, their children, and dependents, through our Meaningful Access Housing Program!



Rape Crisis Center MAHP Information Form provides an overview of the full program that can be used as a reference sheet for advocates.

Survivor MAHP information sheet provides vital information to the survivor of what they can expect while utilizing this program and during their hotel stay.

MAHP Application is the application advocates would need to complete on behalf of the survivor to request assistance.

Release of Information (Housing ROI) is included for our member programs to be able to share survivor information.

MAHP Entry Survey and MAHP Departure Survey are anonymous, do not have a impact on the survivor’s program participation, and are both needed for reporting purposes.

MAHP Invoice is required when submitting a reimbursement request. Advocates are able to use the MHAP invoice or their own preferred invoice that includes all the same information in it.


Q: Who can stay in the hotel with the survivor?
A: Survivors’ children and/or dependents. Safe parents, guardians, caretakers of a survivor of sexual assault and/or any safe person that the survivor would need to stay with them.
Q: Is this program only for individuals who have recently experienced sexual violence? A: No. Any individual who has been impacted by sexual violence at any point throughout their life can access the program. 
Q: Does the survivor need to be actively fleeing or homeless to qualify?
A: No. Any survivor of sexual violence who is in need and would benefit in having a temporary safe place to stay is able to access the program. 

Please contact for any questions or more information!


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