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Support & Resources for Rape Crisis Advocates

As an advocate for survivors of sexual violence, your role is unique and critically important. Unlike other professionals involved in responding to the crime of sexual violence, advocates approach all survivors by believing them, by advocating for their rights and needs, and by working to empower them in their efforts toward recovery and healing. Advocates interact with survivors and their loved ones at numerous points in the aftermath of violence, including in the hospital, within the criminal justice system, on the phone, and within rape crisis programs and affiliated agencies throughout Ohio. Finally, advocates are uniquely positioned to intervene at any point in the survivor’s recovery process, from immediately following the crime to decades later. The impact advocates have in the lives of survivors and their loved ones cannot be overstated.

It is OAESV’s mission to support the work of advocates across Ohio. On this page, you will find links to a variety of resources intended to make your work as an advocate more informed, effective, and satisfying. For more information or to request assistance, please contact us.

Other Coalitions

Best Practices, Curricula & Toolkits

Vicarious Traumatization & Self-Care

Statistics, Data & Information About Sexual Violence

Role & Impact of Advocacy

Collaboration, Capacity-Building & Sexual Assault Response Teams

Advocacy in the Media

Staff & Volunteer Training

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