Support & Resources for Rape Crisis Advocates
As an advocate for survivors of sexual violence, your role is unique and critically important. Unlike other professionals involved in responding to the crime of sexual violence, advocates approach all survivors by believing them, by advocating for their rights and needs, and by working to empower them in their efforts toward recovery and healing. Advocates interact with survivors and their loved ones at numerous points in the aftermath of violence, including in the hospital, within the criminal justice system, on the phone, and within rape crisis programs and affiliated agencies throughout Ohio. Finally, advocates are uniquely positioned to intervene at any point in the survivor’s recovery process, from immediately following the crime to decades later. The impact advocates have in the lives of survivors and their loved ones cannot be overstated.
It is OAESV’s mission to support the work of advocates across Ohio. On this page, you will find links to a variety of resources intended to make your work as an advocate more informed, effective, and satisfying. For more information or to request assistance, please contact us.
Other Coalitions
Best Practices, Curricula & Toolkits
- OAESV’s 2015 Ohio Rape Crisis Advocate Training Manual
- OAESV’s Core Standards for Rape Crisis Programs in Ohio
- Excellence in Advocacy: A Victim-Centered Approach
- Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action
- Opening the Door: Advocate’s Guide to Housing and Sexual Violence
- Hope Behind Bars: An Advocate’s Guide to Helping Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Detention
- Guide for Conducting Psychoeducational Support Groups
- Developing & Coordinating Support Group Programs for Survivors of Sexual Violence
- Responding to Abusive Calls
- Volunteer Appreciation Ideas
- 10 Tips for Effective Hotline Advocacy
- Human Trafficking Resource Manual for Advocates
Vicarious Traumatization & Self-Care
- Self-Care and Trauma Work
- Self-Care Assessment Worksheet
- Office for Victims of Crime Vicarious Trauma Toolkit
- Self-Care in Difficult Times: A Webinar Series (Recordings)
Statistics, Data & Information About Sexual Violence
- Crime Against Persons with Disabilities data sets
- Violent Crime Against Youth, 1994-2010
- 2010 National Intimate Partner & Sexual Violence Survey Executive Summary
- National Institute of Justice Webinar: The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault
Role & Impact of Advocacy
- History of the Crime Victim’s Movement
- Research on the Effectiveness of Rape Victim Advocates
- The Effectiveness of Sexual Assault Services in Multi-Service Agencies
- Breaking Barriers: The Role of Community-Based and Systems-Based Advocates
Collaboration, Capacity-Building & Sexual Assault Response Teams
- Comprehensive Information about Developing and Supporting a Sexual Assault Response Team
- SART Readiness Assessment
- SART Development: A Guide for Victim Service Providers
- Ohio SART Manual
Advocacy in the Media
- OAESV Fact Sheet: Developing Effective Responses to High Profile Cases
- A Quick Guide to Media Literacy
- A News Media Guide for Victim Service Providers
Staff & Volunteer Training
- OAESV’s Volunteer Training Manual and Trainer Resources
- Catalog of Online and Print Training Materials
- Downloadable/Printable Training Manual for Basic Sexual Assault Counselor/Advocate Training